

Remembering Smallpage

Local Columns

There are too many veterans. I say that with the utmost respect. I say it because, to my way of thinking, there are too many wars. And too many deaths. I believe you understand. You probably understand because, like the rest of us, someone you know is a veteran, loves a veteran, or has ...

Your patriotism can honor veterans all year long

Letters to Editor

To the editor: Memorial Day honors those whose patriotism led them to sacrifice their lives in defense of democracy. Patriotism is a love of country. If you are devoted, you contribute to the well-being of your devotee. Patriots sacrifice comforts for their country. Too often people say, ...


Local Columns

Another Memorial Day had come and gone. John had attended the community Memorial Day service at the local cemetery Monday morning but melancholy gnawed at his soul in the days which followed. On his way into town for a tractor part on Thursday morning, John felt an inexplicable urge to stop ...

An open letter to Class of 2024

Local Columns

Dear high school senior: It’s been a busy year, hasn’t it? Senior photos, mailing out invitations, prom, trying to think of something witty to say when someone asks about your plans for the future. About all that’s left is a long, hot ceremony in a robe your grandmother wouldn’t be ...

Timmons supports Alex Pruismann as the next sheriff

Letters to Editor

To the Editor: First off, I would like to thank Hamilton County for their support to our law enforcement personnel. We are truly blessed to live in such a caring county. As you know, we have an especially important vote coming on June 4th. This vote is to elect Hamilton County’s next ...

The blessings of a good mother

Local Columns

Mother’s Day 2024 is my siblings and my sixth observance of the special day without a mother. Our mother passed away in November 2018. The six Huisman kids were blessed with a wonderful mother. On a recent Friday my three brothers and I got together for lunch and spent three hours ...