This is the third installment of a series about the upcoming Honor Flight, transporting about 120 veterans for a one-day tour of memorials in Washington, D. C.
Honor Flights have been flown for two decades, providing a wonderful, insightful service to veterans who have served during the World ...
It’s been at least 30 years since the photocopied list of “church bloopers” made the rounds. These lists claimed that all the items were excerpts from actual church bulletins.
Here are a few reminders:
— Remember in prayer the many who are sick and tired of our church and ...
On September 18, the Brushy Creek Honor Flight will celebrate its 26th flight, leaving Fort Dodge and taking veterans from World War II, the Korean and Vietnam war eras to our nation’s capital to visit their memorials.
In last week’s Daily Freeman-Journal I described this program, a ...
It was a Sunday in late February 1960. I was 12 years old and we were visiting my paternal grandparents. After Sunday dinner, my father and grandfather were visiting across the room from where I was quietly reading.
It was a strange week for my family. Dad was fired from his job on Friday and ...
This is the first of four articles about veterans from Webster City who will be part of the next Honor Flight from Fort Dodge to Washington, D.C. on September 18.
The Honor Flight Network, a remarkable initiative dedicated to honoring America’s veterans, has its roots in a simple yet ...
Another school year has begun. Millions of young Americans are back in the classroom and I’m glad I’m not one of them.
Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t hate school. I just wasn’t a big fan of being cooped up in a classroom all day. When asked what I most wanted out of school, I said: ...