

Unless you thought of it yourself

Local Columns

When I was about 11 years old I subscribed to Boy’s Life magazine, the monthly magazine of the Boy Scouts of America. I was not a member of the Boy Scouts but I enjoyed the magazine. It was on the Boy’s Life humor page that I was introduced to a Tom Swifty, which Merriam-Webster defines ...

Didn’t your boss carry a cross?

Local Columns

Didn’t your boss carry a cross? I can’t remember during which one of our countless conversations D.D. shared that memory. Maybe we were eating at the Mongolian barbeque. I know we weren’t eating at Kokoro. That was Japanese. I only forced him to eat there once, and I say forced ...

Beauty is as beauty does

Local Columns

Many years ago I arrived home from work to find my son and a friend busy at the kitchen table. The boys were about 10 or 11 years old at the time and I assumed they were working on a school assignment. “What are you guys up to?” I asked, looking over their shoulders. They seemed a bit ...

The Bible tells me so

Local Columns

For my ninth birthday my parents gave me a Bible. It was a black leatherette-bound King James Version with my name stamped in gold on the cover. I was pleased to receive this gift but was horrified by what my mother wrote on the presentation page: “To Arvid from Mommy and Daddy.” From ...