
Letters to Editor

Childcare centers need support in Hamilton County

To the Editor: Childcare isn’t a glamorous industry; it’s exhausting, messy work with low pay. We aren’t seen as educators or professionals; we are viewed as glorified babysitters. I ask, if we were only babysitting children, why don’t we plop them down in front of the television? Why ...

Urges voters to look at the facts before casting ballots

To the Editor: The adage repeat a lie often enough and it will become the truth is an unscrupulous method being used in this year’s election by the Republican Party. Joe Biden is NOT a socialist as they wish voters to believe. Democrats do NOT raise taxes on low and mid-range earners. ...

Hamilton County has a childcare crisis

To the Editor: “Good morning, I would like to put my two children on your wait list for childcare.” Daycare provider: “Okay great, I will need to get some basic information from you, but first I would like to let you know that it is between a 3-5 year wait list.” My two children ...

Encourages self-care during COVID-19

To the Editor: With everything that is happening in the world, the nation, and Iowa in regards to COVID-19 it is possible to feel overwhelmed, confused, numb, or any other emotion imaginable. During this challenging time it is more important than ever to set aside time for yourself, a ...

Vote for candidates who will listen to the people

To the Editor: In the Gettysberg Address, Lincoln says the government is of the people, by the people and for the people. It's not of the king, by the king and for the king. Any president who wants to be king has got to go. We fought a revolutionary war over it. We can't regress and make ...

Commends Reynolds’ handling of COVID-19 pandemic

To the Editor I want to commend Governor Reynolds for doing a good job dealing with the Covid-19 virus. I think she has done very well in maintaining her priorities of both the citizens and the economy. She has stood against pressures from political opponents and special interest groups and ...