Police Reports
A two-vehicle accident occurred on Oct. 26, Brandon L. Camden, Eagle Grove, was northbound on Broadway Street at the intersection of Second Street. Ayn R. Eklund, Webster City, was stopped southbound on Broadway Street at the intersection of Second Street. Both cars turned westbound from their stopped positions. The passenger side of Camden’s vehicle collided into the front driver’s side of Eklund’s vehicle. There were no injuries. Camden’s vehicle sustained an estimated $1,500 in functional damage. Eklund’s vehicle sustained an estimated $2,500 in functional damage.
Heath M. Shelton, Klemme, was arrested on Oct. 24 for driving while license suspended.
Mitchell D. W. Herrman, Jewell, was arrested on Oct. 20 for willful injury.
Jamie L. Johnson, Webster City, was arrested on Oct. 20 for willful injury.
A warrant to arrest Ashley J. Scott, Webster City, was served on Oct. 19.
A warrant was served to arrest Dale L. Bahrenfuss, Webster City, on Oct. 19.
Lloyd S. Martin, Webster City, was arrested on Oct. 17 for assault and third degree harrassment.
Charlie J. Hansen, Lehigh, was arrested on Oct. 16 for aggravated assault.
A 16-year-old from Woolstock was arrested on Oct. 15 for public intoxication.
Two warrants were served on Oct. 10 to arrest Nik Bunpan, Webster City.
Jamie L. Johnson, Webster City, was arrested on Oct. 9 for public intoxication.
Michael L. Pelz, Webster City, was arrested on Oct. 9 for operating while intoxicated.
A warrant was served to arrest Alex E. Reynolds, Webster City, on Oct. 8.
Eric. A Cavanaugh, Webster City, was arrested on Oct. for trespass of real property.
Police Reports
Brent J. Holdgrafer, Webster City, was backing east out of a parking spot in the Hy-Vee parking lot on Oct. 13. Ronald L. Sumpter, Webster City, was backing west out of a parking spot. The right rear bumper of Holdgrafer’s vehicle collided into the left rear side of Sumpter’s vehicle. There were no injuries. Holdgrafer’s vehicle sustained an estimated $100 in minor damage. Sumpter’s vehicle sustained an estimated $500 in minor damage.
A two vehicle accident occurred on Oct. 12. Patricia J. Carlson, Webster City, and Cole W.H. Elsberry, Webster City, were backing from their parking spaces. Carlson’s vehicle struck Elsberry’s vehicle with the right rear corner of the bumper. Elsberry’s vehicle was struck just in front of the left wheel. Carlson’s vehicle sustained an estimated $750 in minor damage. Elsberry’s vehicle sustained an estimated $1,500 in minor damage.
On Oct. 9, Brian L. Roberts, Logansport, IN, was west bound on Highway 20. As Roberts passed the exit ramp for Superior Street in Webster City, a deer ran out in front of his vehicle. Roberts’ vehicle struck the deer. Roberts’ then pulled to the shoulder of the road on the north side to dial 911 and report the collision. Roberts’ vehicle sustained an estimated $1,500 in functional damage as a result of the collision. Roberts was unharmed. The vehicle was driven away from the scene.
On Oct. 7, Jim S. Khamsai, Webster City, was attempting to back out of a parking spot south bound at 1203 East Second St. Khamsai hit a 1995 Mercury Grand Marquis which was parked on the south west side of the building. There were no injuries. Khamsai’s vehicle sustained an estimated $100 in minor damage. The Mercury sustained an estimated $500 in minor damage.
William D. Espinoza Jr., Charter Oak, was arrested on Oct. 4 for violation of a no-contact order.
Angela D. Beem, Webster City, was arrested on Oct. 4 for public intoxication and a warrant.
Two warrants were served to arrest Shawn B. Heidick-Keeling, Webster City, on Sept. 29.
Police Reports
A two vehicle accident occurred on Oct. 8. Jeri S. Elliott, Webster City, was traveling north on Superior Street. Rejeanna M. Hopp, Webster City, was traveling south. Elliott turned in front of Hopp, causing Hopp’s vehicle to collide with Elliott’s vehicle. Hopp left the scene. There were no injuries. Elliott was cited to court for failing to have a valid driver’s license. Elliott’s vehicle sustained an estimated $1,000 in functional damage. Hopp’s vehicle sustained an estimated $800 in functional damage.
A two vehicle accident occurred on Oct. 7 in the 1000 block of Des Moines Street. Heath J. Cornett, Webster City, was driving north on Des Moines Street. Kent A. Wagner, Webster City, was heading south. Cornett started turning left into the middle school parking lot when he reportedly struck Wagner’s vehicle. There were no injuries. Cornett’s vehicle sustained an estimated $900 in functional damage. Wagner’s vehicle sustained an estimated $800 in functional damage.
Timothy L. Ziegenbein, Webster City, was backing out of a parking spot in the YesWay parking lot on Oct. 6. A 2006 Dodge Caravan was unoccupied and legally parked on Funk Street facing north. The right rear bumper of Ziegenbein’s vehicle collided into the left front side of the Dodge Caravan. There were no injuries. The Dodge Caravan sustained an estimated $1,000 in minor damage.
Christian Saipon Channoi, Webster City, was arrested on Oct. 3 for possession of a controlled substance and a warrant.
Gary L. Anderson, Webster City, was arrested on Sept. 27 for operating while intoxicated.
Brett T. Adams, Webster City, was arrested on Sept. 17 for intimidation with a dangerous weapon, criminal mischief, and firing a BB/pellet gun inside city limits.
Police Reports
On Oct. 7 at 10:04 a.m., the Hamilton County 911 Center received a call of a possible subject with a gun at the Webster City campus of Iowa Central Community College. Officers arrived on scene and followed the procedures for an active shooter.
Deputies from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office assisted Webster City officers with searching and clearing the facility. After further investigation, it was determined that the noises heard were actually an employee making roof repairs. Coincidentally, there was a verbal argument between two students that contributed to the confusion.
According to Webster City Police Chief Shiloh Mork, “All of the responding agencies and college staff did an outstanding job of assessing the situation, ensuring the safety of everyone on campus and working with one another to come to a successful resolution. The extensive training for an incident such as this paid off this morning.”
No one was found in possession of a firearm, and there were no injuries as a result of this incident.
Assisting the Webster City Police Department at the scene were the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, Ellsworth-Jewell-Stanhope Police Department, Duncombe-Otho Police Department, and the Iowa State Patrol.
Police Reports
On Sept. 28 the WCPD was notified of an accident on East Second Street. One of the cars in the accident had moved to the Mary Ann’s Deli parking lot. Upon arrival, Officer Delaney spoke with Ryan A. Utley, Fort Dodge, who reportedly stated he was sitting at the stop light at the beginning of the construction zone on East Second Street when the car behind him wasn’t paying attention and hit the rear of his vehicle. The driver of the vehicle, Miguel Brito Melendez, Webster City, reportedly did not speak much English, but confirmed the story Utley told. Brito Melendez’ vehicle sustained an estimated $500 in minor damage to the front of his vehicle. Utley’s vehicle sustained an estimated $800 in minor damage to the rear of his vehicle. There were no citations issued at the time of the accident and no injuries reported.
Nicholas W. Janvrin, Webster City, was arrested on Sept. 25 for assault on a peace officer, interference with official acts, possession of methamphetamine, possession of prescription drugs, harassment, possession of drug paraphernalia, and assault.
Lawrence A. Campeau, Webster City, was arrested on Sept. 21 for disorderly conduct and simple assault.