

Elected officials should represent all constituents

Letters to Editor

To the Editor: I have a couple questions for all the incumbents that squeaked by the midterm election by getting just over 50 percent. Do you feel good about 50 percent when all that means is every other person you meet wants you out of office? If you get half the people after years in ...

Open water fishing 2018

Local Columns

We were fishing largemouth bass on a lake in Minnesota this late October. It was a beautiful day and the thought never entered my mind that this could be the last trip of the year. Since then the weather has cooled noticeably, and there has been ice on the ponds here in north Iowa for ...

Those !!?#@#!X# cornflakes

Local Columns

The story is told of two young brothers who decided they were old enough to swear. At bedtime one night they agreed that the next morning they would begin swearing. They even chose the cuss words they would use. At breakfast the next morning, their mother asked the oldest boy what he wanted ...

Documenting ones life

Local Columns

In one of the first writing classes I took as a journalism major in college we learned how to write an obituary. I don’t know if that’s still the progression of things. Maybe that’s why I read obituaries in the newspaper now. I just like to learn about how people lived, where they ...

No one likes a litterbug


For weeks, small forests of signs promoting dozens of political candidates have been demonstrations of the vigor of our system of government. Now, they are just litter. Some candidates and their supporters started the process of picking up their signs on Tuesday evening. It is pleasing ...

First ice panfish

Local Columns

I was at an ice-fishing Open House at a retail tackle shop recently. There some anglers there who had been looking at a long range weather forecast. According to this forecast, cold weather is headed to the upper Midwest, and these anglers were guessing that they would be on the ice in north ...