Path to solutions
'We are honored to have been recognized at the Governor's Condition of State speech as a partner of the Hamilton County Child Care Coalition'

Pictured from left are Kyle Swon, First State Bank; Rosie Messerly, Riverview Early Childhood Center; Darcy Swon, Enhance Hamilton County Foundation; McKinley Bailey, Building Families Early Childhood Area and Hamilton County Child Care Coalition; Rick Young, chairman, Hamilton County Board of Supervisors; Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds; Cindy Im, Hamilton County Economic Development and Hamilton County Child Care Coalition; and Hillary Lang, Webster City Day Care Center.
Working together is the path to success.
Darcy Swon, director of Enhance Hamilton County, has witnessed it.
Most recently, she stood with the Hamilton County Child Care Coalition as it was honored by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Tuesday for its creative solution to supplementing the pay of child care workers in Hamilton County.
“We are honored to have been recognized last night at the Governor’s Condition of State speech as a partner of the Hamilton County Child Care Coalition,” Darcy said following Reynold’s Condition of the State speech.
Swon was at the Iowa State Capitol to meet with Reynolds and witness the congratulations bestowed upon her colleagues from Hamilton County.
“The coalition was commended for their incredible work in addressing the child care crisis in Hamilton County by leading the charge on development of the childcare wage enhancement program,” Swon said.
“The Enhance Hamilton County Foundation has worked closely with the coalition to create a fund that allows businesses and individuals to make charitable donations to support this crucial program that has resulted in an increase of daycare spots for families throughout Hamilton County.
“It’s inspiring to see our community come together to solve such an important issue, and we are proud to be part of this impactful work. Thank you to everyone who has supported the childcare initiative and that has made a difference in Hamilton County.”
In her Tuesday speech, Reynolds lauded the coalition.
“Four years ago, Hamilton County’s four childcare centers were sitting at or below 65% capacity, with providers starting at $8.50 an hour. Today, after starting a community solutions fund, staff have received a 36% raise, and three of the four centers are at 100% capacity, with total enrollment increasing by more than 100 children countywide,” Reynolds told her audience.
“There’s no reason this success can’t be replicated across the state.
“To help do so, I’m pleased to announce that we’re launching a statewide solutions fund to which individuals or businesses can donate to enhance childcare workforce wages and help take the regional funds to the next level.
“We’re joined tonight by some of the officials who helped get Hamilton County’s regional fund off the ground. Let’s give them a hand for showing what’s possible when community leaders come together to solve community problems.”