
Hamilton County Supervisors meet in three sessions today

The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors will meet today in the basement conference room of the Hamilton County Courthouse in three successive sessions.

The meetings will begin at 8 a.m. with a closed session.

The first open meeting begins at 9 a.m.

On the agenda is a proclamation designating April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Also, the supervisors will review the fiscal year 2025 Secondary Roads Department of Transportation Budget and 5 Year Construction Program.

They will also consider resolutions 2024-15 Bank Depository for Jail and 2024-16 EMS Property Tax Ballot Question, as well as board and committee reports.

At 10 a.m. there will be a public hearing on the proposed property tax followed by a presentation of the proposed property tax levy.

At 10:30 a.m. there will be a presentation of the fiscal year 2023 audit by Miranda Wendlandt.

These meetings, with the exception of the closed session, can be audio streamed live at:

The regular Board of Supervisors meeting: meeting ID: 835 4893 2839. Passcode: 217983 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83548932839?pwd=NFh4aXRYMitNSkw1OGFkeWpsVGhRZz09

The public hearing on the proposed property tax can be accessed by audio via meeting ID: 885 1729 3710. Passcode: 311422 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88517293710?pwd=VDZkRTgvOGNtS01qSytEeXI3ZUp2QT09

The fiscal year 2023 audit presentation will be in a Zoom meeting which can be accessed with meeting ID: 837 7666 3554. Passcode: 570347 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83776663554?pwd=TUk1WGgwMGxUMjBQTlZmZkt3YUtNUT09.


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