Return of the Doodlebugs
The City of Webster City is welcoming Doodlebug enthusiasts to the community in preparation for the upcoming Doodlebug Reunion.
At Tuesday’s regular meeting of the City Council of Webster City, Mayor Doug Getter issued a proclamation to mark Sept. 8 to 13 as Doodlebug Days. The motorized scooter was produced in Webster City between 1946 and 1948. The Doodlebug Club of America annually invites members to town for a reunion. Getter said he encourages citizens to welcome club visitors to the community next week.
In other business, Getter administered the oath of office for Webster City Chief of Police Shiloh Mork following the council’s concurrence with City Manager Ed Sadler’s decision to appoint him to the position. Sadler said selecting a new police chief was a lengthy process which involved a citizen interview committee, the civil service commission and many interviews.
“I’m very tickled about this,” Sadler said. “I think this is a good choice for the city, especially at this time.”
“I would say we have an excellent choice and I’m very glad to see that we were able to have a candidate from within the community. I think that’s a big step forward for us. It also provides a learning curve that we don’t have to reinvent,” Getter said.
After Mork took his oath of office, he thanked Sadler and the City Council.
“I’m looking forward to leading the department. I’m up for the challenge. I’m excited to get going,” Mork said.
Also at the meeting, Getter discussed an upcoming council activity for when RVTV comes to Webster City on Sept. 8. Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce Director Deb Brown recently named Getter and the City Council after she took the ice bucket challenge. At the meeting, Getter invited the community of Webster City to participate in the challenge with him and members of the council.
Following council discussion, Getter said he, members of council and others wishing to join will meet at 9:45 p.m. under the Webster Theater marquee on Sept. 8 to take the challenge during the 10 p.m. live broadcast on WHO-TV. Getter said community members wishing to join should bring their own buckets to the challenge. By doing this, Getter said he hopes to see the idea spread to other towns.
“In return for our participating in the challenge, we would issue a challenge to other cities, city councils, mayors, to do likewise. That’s kind of the message we would look to communicate,” Getter said.
The council ended their regular meeting and then began a work session with a presentation by Fletcher-Reinhardt Co. on smart meters.