
Drivers hit the track at Hamilton County Speedway

Racing action returned to Hamilton County Speedway this past Saturday night.

Earning feature victories were Lyle Sathoff, Bill Crimmins, Ty Griffith, Jeremy Crimmins and Jake Paysen.

Sathoff held off Kevin Stoa and Kelly Shryock to score the checkered flag in the Olsen Family USRA Modifieds series.

In the Seneca Foundry USRA Stock Cars, Bill Crimmins bested Chanse Hollatz and Jesse Brown, while Griffith picked up first in the Stein Heating and Cooling USRA B-Mods over fellow Webster City racer Bryer McCoy and Brandon Toftee.

Jeremy Crimmins bested fellow Fort Dodge racers Bryce Sommerfeld and Riley Crimmins in the USRA Hobby Stocks, with Paysen claiming the A1 Automotive USRA Tuners.

Current point leaders are Paysen (tuners), Kyle Brown (modifieds), Bill Crimmins (stock cars), Griffith (B-mods), Sommerfeld (hobby stocks), Rob Caho Jr. (non-winged sprints), Owen Carlson (winged sprints) and Derrick Stewart (super late models).

The next event will take place Wednesday night with the 14th annual USMTS Spring Classic. Stands open at 5 p.m., hot laps are set for 6:45 p.m. with racing beginning at 7:20 p.m. for a grand prize of $3,000.

Along with the Summit USMTS Modifieds, stock cars, B-mods, hobby stocks and tuners will all be hitting the track.


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