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Color for open water and ice

To some anglers, lure color isn’t that important. To other anglers, color is very important. To the most successful anglers, lure color is part of the equation. In a good number of situations, whether it be open-water or ice-fishing, the color of your lure can affect how many fish you ...

Poinsettia care

The poinsettia is one of the most popular potted flowers in the United States. Red is the most commonly sold poinsettia color, and many of the new colors available today were developed thru breeding mutations from the red flowering plants. When describing a poinsettia flower it is ...

Stupid is as stupid does

“If you can’t say something nice,” we have been told, “say nothing at all.” This is good advice, of course, but there are times when saying nothing at all simply doesn’t cut it. Some people do some incredibly stupid things and it’s difficult to bite one’s tongue all the ...

Time to slow down, listen

If you’re my age or older, you may remember when we couldn’t go to a store and buy anything on any Sunday. Blue laws were in effect then. Also known as Sunday laws, blue laws were designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote a ...

Finding the good in the bad

The older I get, the more I tend to search for the good in every situation I encounter. I’ve found removing excessive and unfair expectations is one of the best ways be more positive and get through life’s ups and downs. Some days it’s easier to see the pros outweigh the cons. On ...

Houseplants and holidays

When preparing your home for the holiday season, do not forget about your houseplants. In many instances, houseplants may need to be moved to accommodate for that prefect location for the Christmas tree. When moving a houseplant to another area within the home, make certain that the proper ...