
Local Columns

Tiny Blue Transistor Radio

Early in my youth I developed an interest in radios and electronics. When I was five years old I sat in front of our RCA console radio and tuned in programs of interest. I was fascinated with the loop antenna hidden within the console. We got our first television when I was almost nine ...

A humble man made beautiful donuts

There was love in those donuts. I'm sure of it. If you ever met Pete, you would know. The humble man who made beautiful donuts died this week, just when he was about to return from a break. Just as he was about to crank up his commercial mixer and make some more magic. Pete opened his ...

A teacher in the time of honor: Bessie Lyon

Fair Week is over for Hamilton County; the State Fair begins next week. In part, this means now is the time for that annual event known as “Back to School Shopping.” This is a ritual that has grown over the years into a 2 billion website hit in .5 seconds thing on the internet. I remember, ...

Summer vacation was a great time of year!

School kids won’t be eager to read this, but summer vacation is about two-thirds over. Classes resume in less than a month! Before kindergarten summer vacation doesn’t mean much because life is pretty much a vacation every day anyway. And after you get a job as a teenager, summer ...

Sitting with the Stars

The world around us seems to be changing every day. This makes us appreciate life’s constants even more. One of those near constants is the Grand Ol’ Opry. The weekly radio broadcast from Nashville began nearly a century ago on November 28, 1925. Thanks to cable, satellite and streaming ...

Summer weed action

The bite is on! The summer months are when most people go fishing, and the action can be fast. Most fish are constantly looking for something to eat at this time of year, and they’ll look for that something to eat in a variety of places. Their prey can be in deep water, shallow water, or ...