
This week at the capitol

Week two at the State House has consisted of reflection on the past and looking to the future. As Americans, we are blessed with freedoms and liberties, in which we must never forget the importance of.

Monday we celebrated Martin Lutheran King Jr. Day. Across the state people converged to celebrate the work and dedication of King. His words and actions continue to resonate decades later as we continue to humble ourselves and come together, finding ways to strengthen our communities for the benefit of future generations.

Tuesday, Iowans made their way to their local caucuses as a kick off for multiple opportunities for voters to get involved in 2014. I encourage you to seek out these opportunities, if you would like helping getting involved, please do not hesitate to let me know. The democratic process is one of America’s greatest assets that should not be taken for granted.

As I spent Tuesday traveling 200 miles of the district, it was great to see many familiar and new faces taking part in their local caucus.

During Veterans Day at the Capitol this Wednesday, I had to opportunity to visit with Lee Ayers and Richard Peterson of Webster City. Thank you to all veterans for the sacrifices they and their families have made to help maintain the freedoms we have.


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