She supports Alex Pruismann for Hamilton Co. sheriff
To the editor:
As a pre-service teacher, I was fortunate enough to work with Alex (Pruismann) while student teaching at a public school district in Hamilton County. It was evident from my first interaction with Alex that he and I shared a similar priority — children in our schools. He built relationships and trust with the entire elementary student body through positive interactions, realistic expectations, and fun and engaging life lessons. It was so refreshing to see firsthand such a meaningful student-law enforcement relationship through his work with programs such as Books with Badges and DARE.
Now, as a public school educator in a neighboring Hamilton County school district, I’m incredibly excited for Alex to bring those same opportunities to other students and children in the county. He has made educating and connecting to youth in our county a priority and will continue this engagement through the programs he has already implemented in other school districts.
I would truly appreciate the increased law enforcement presence and involvement in our schools Alex has ensured would occur in his role as Hamilton County Sheriff. There has never been a more important time to have these great relationships and Alex has proven he is the only suitable candidate capable of doing so.
While others are solely worried about climbing the career ladder, Alex has maintained a focus of connection, positivity and longevity. His commitment to this county goes further than any desired promotion. If elected Hamilton County Sheriff, I know Alex will use this opportunity to educate our youth, build stronger relationships, and improve the safety and trust between law enforcement and our schools.
Alex will fill the current void in our systems and provide commitment to a safer space for all students and public schools.
Every student and staff member in all school districts should feel safer and further equipped with Alex Pruismann leading as Hamilton County Sheriff.
For the future of Hamilton County, I will be voting Alex Pruismann for sheriff and encourage you to do the same.
Savana Berg
Hamilton County
elementary school teacher