
There are good reasons to support the splash pad

To the editor:

Hello everyone. I would like to give my reasons why I am in favor of the splash pad and correct most of the thinking going on about how City money can be spent.

First, my reason for moving this project to at least the next stage is to find out if it comes in at projected costs as provided by the City’s engineer.

The people of Webster City are taking a lot of hits to their pocket books with a new wastewater treatment plant which will be bonded for and paid for by residents and industries for the next 30 years. An increase to your water bill is because we need to start catching up, as the water utility will be in a negative balance if we don’t start the increases, on top of needing to start saving for a new water treatment plant. Electric rates are also rising because we have infrastructure that is 47 years old and will need to be replaced in the next 10 years.

There are a lot of negatives there. The splash pad, however, is not and cannot be funded from any of these utilities. So, my reason for moving this forward is it is the one thing happening amongst all the negative to give back something to the people of Webster City. I do not know a child who would not like to play in a splash pad on a hot sunny day. If you don’t currently or never have had a young child or grandchild you must have seen the enjoyment children have at the facilities provided by our Park and Recreation Department.

It is also important to understand that this facility is not going to raise your taxes or your utility bill. We have the money to pay for this and the Park and Recreation Department has a budget to pay for the running of it. I will admit that the one thing that does irk me is the waste of the water and it seems like a lot of water until you bring that into perspective. As a city, we draw our water from the Jordan Aquifer not the Boone River. The rainfall in our area does not affect this aquifer. Three million gallons is what some have said it takes to run the splash pad a year. The city, on the other hand, loses 50 million gallons of unaccounted water a year. In addition, as a city, we supply about 297 million gallons a year.

Another point brought by some is the desire to reuse the water or use pool water. The first thing most children do is drink the water. The only way to guarantee the water is clean is to use fresh water. Many other cities with splash pads have recycling systems and, in discussions, they regret installing them because of problems associated with them.

Another point brought by some is that the pool makes money, when in fact it does not make money and instead it runs at a loss each year but is a service provided by the City. The pool is going to be replaced one day and has been on borrowed time for 10 years and will need to wait another five years at least for the 20-plus million dollars it will take to build a new one. If it fails we will wish we had a splash pad to carry us over till a new pool is built.

So now to put into perspective my points above, (1) we have the money to build it; (2) it will not increase your taxes; (3) it is not paid for out of any of the utilities; (4) we will not miss the little water it takes to run it; and (5) most importantly, it will be used and is one of the positive things the City is doing and, like other things your taxes go to pay for, not everyone wants to use it but pays for it as being a member of society.

One final side note — Dennis Longhenry came to the City Council meeting to state his opposition to the splash pad and was very welcome to do so. I asked him to sit down and wait to present at the appropriate time, but unfortunately, he did not stay. I have personally apologized to Dennis for feeling like he had to leave. In speaking with him, since the meeting, he has received an anonymous letter from some no good abusing him for attending the Council meeting. Mr. Longhenry, along with anyone else, is encouraged to come to any Council meeting and have their say.

Lastly, as a resident of this community, I always like to look for the positive and I would encourage you, as residents of this community, to do the same.

Thank You.

John Hawkins


Webster City


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