
Angel Tree helps nearly 300 children this year

To the Editor:

The members of the board of HERO (Help Entertain and Restore Organization) would like to once again thank the wonderful citizens of Hamilton County for making so many less fortunate families in our communities a little happier this Christmas. Thank you for your time to select an Angel, your time to shop for them and return their gifts, your financial resources to do so, but most of all thank you for your giving spirit. As we watch each of you come in and thoughtfully select a tag (many times with your children) and then return the gifts with huge smiles it warms our hearts and reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. We just wish you could see the smiles and tears of the recipients!

We would also like to thank Webster City Rotary, our partner this year. We truly don’t know what we would have done without your help. The Rotarians sat many lonely hours in the lobby of the theater so that those who participated could pick up their tags. They also showed up and helped us sort and organize all of those gifts and donated toys for the family pick up. Thank you so very much, Webster City Rotary and your families.

We were able to help 102 families from Webster City and 5 families from the Stratford area, a total of 298 children. We were also able to provide 2 hams and 11 turkeys to some of the larger families. That was possible due to financial support from several donors.

This was HERO’s 5th year of sponsoring Angel Tree. It takes a lot of time, a lot of man power, but the reward is so great. Our hearts are full and yours should be, too. We hope to see all of you again next year.

Kay Ross,

Treasurer, HERO


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