
Progress 2017

Plans on track for BW Conference Center

The new Briggs Woods Conference Center is moving ever-closer to becoming a reality. Plans have been designed, fundraising is underway and organizers hope that everything can be in place for a spring or summer ground breaking. According to Kelly Haman, events coordinator for Briggs Woods Golf ...

There’s something brewing in Ellsworth …

Nestled quietly into the very northeast corner of Ellsworth is a business that reaches far beyond Hamilton County as it brews beer for all 37 locations of Granite City Food and Brewery that are in 11 states. From the outside, it’s a simple, functional building, but it doesn’t take more ...

Life in Focus

Everyone has been there, or probably will be at some point in their lives. Something “big” happens that takes people out of their element, changes who they think they are, or what they should be doing in life. Many times, perspectives changes and priorities are brought in to sharper focus. ...

Expanding opportunities

Hamilton Hometowns is now the name of Hamilton County SEED, the county-wide economic development organization that has been active since the 1980s. While the change came about in 2015, the goals of the group are the same: expand employment opportunities, improve the tourism economy, ...

Groceries, and some spices of life

A new grocery store, La Campana Tienda Latina, 728 Second Street, opened a few short months ago, in November 2016. The business offers new options to residents of Webster City, by carrying an extensive selection of imported products. The store caters to those wanting to create authentic, ethnic ...

It’s all about heart … and home

Sometimes, it’s hard to know how to make the rooms in your home say something; “family,” “cozy,” “welcome,” or, “this is so me.” It can be challenging to put together a living space; one that you truly feel at home in, satisfied you’ve gotten it just right. For 25 years, ...