William Morrison Trust grant applications are now being accepted
The William Morrison Trust was established in 1950 under the Will of William Morrison with the sole purpose being to benefit the needy people of Webster City.
The Trust is now accepting grant proposals for such projects.
Proposals for projects will be accepted from individuals, churches, organizations, schools, or governmental bodies.
Requests for general operational funds will not be considered.
Morrison was born in 1858 in Salem, New York. He moved to Hamilton County and farmed for many years before moving to Webster City after he was married in 1926.
Morrison’s generous bequest has been funding projects for the needy in Webster City for more than 73 years. An advisory board of local citizens selects projects for the trust to support. The trust is managed by its trustee, First State Bank of Webster City.
Grant applications can be picked up at First State Bank, Webster City, or you can request a grant application by emailing HYPERLINK “mailto:willj@fsbwc.com” willj@fsbwc.com.
Questions should be directed to Will Johnston at the First State Bank Trust Department, 515-832-2520.
The application deadline is 4 p.m., Monday, December 2.