
Blue Chrismas Service is Sunday at Faith UMC

The Blue Christmas Service will be at Faith United Methodist Church, 2020 Superior Street, Webster City, Sunday, December 1.

This service begins at 5 p.m.

It is for everyone, regardless of church background or lack of it.

Many people struggle during the busy holiday season because of a death, divorce, job loss, or having a loved one who now lives in a care facility.

The Blue Christmas Service will offer a space and time to acknowledge

emotions and to admit that lives are not what is reflected in TV commercials or holiday movies.

This will be a time of music, readings and lighting of candles. A time of light refreshments will follow the service.

The Blue Christmas Service is sponsored by Foster Funeral Home, Boman Funeral Home and the Webster City Ministerial Association.

Starting at $3.46/week.

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