Trees, Pesky Bugs, Lawn and Disease Program is August 8
Join the Iowa State Extension as it hosts a Trees, Pesky Bugs, Lawn and Disease Program on Thursday, August 8.
Iowa has seen several extreme weather conditions from drought conditions to flooding. All these weather conditions have affected its trees and other garden plants. That is why Extension is gathering its experts in trees, plant diseases and entomology to help answer your questions.
Are you seeing problems in your lawn, with your trees or experiencing pesky bugs? After the strong winds of the Derecho and freezing temperatures of our winter, do you need advice about your windbreak or trees? Perhaps you have questions about the Emerald Ash Borer. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Pocahontas, Hamilton, Humboldt, and Webster counties have teamed up to host a live virtual Q&A learning opportunity on August 8 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in each county’s office. Come to the meeting with your questions regarding your lawn, trees, insects, and bugs. Presenting at the meeting will be Dr. Jeff Iles, Professor and Horticulture Department Chair, Chelsea Harback, Extension Plant Pathologist and Diagnostician, as well as Zach Schumm insect Diagnostician at the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic. The experts have the answer to help advise how best to address whatever issue being seen in these areas.
Pre-registration is preferred. To Pre-register go to
Send questions ahead of time by contacting ISU Extension and Outreach, Hamilton County at 515-832-9597 or email Sue Schmitz at Join Extension to address whatever you are seeing in your yard, garden, trees, or pests invading your home that our experts in extension will be able to help guide how to best respond to those issues on research-based information.