
Donation to Crimestoppers

— submitted photo Rev. Craig Blaufuss, current chairman of the Hamilton County Crimestoppers, receives a donation of $1,500 from Jerry Goebel, State Farm Insurance agent. The donation will sponsor the P3 Intel anonymous crime reporting tip line service used by local law enforcement.

The Hamilton County Crimestoppers organization is pleased to announce that Jerry Goebel State Farm Insurance has again sponsored the P3 Intel anonymous tip line for another year. P3 Intel is an electronic crime reporting tip service that allows tipsters to remain completely anonymous when submitting information to local law enforcement about criminal activity.

The P3 Intel software is installed at the Webster City Police Department. They monitor and share information with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department and the Ellsworth-Jewell-Randall Police Department when applicable to their jurisdictions

Since Hamilton County Crimestoppers began implementing an anonymous tip line to assist local law enforcement over 2,500 tips have been received, resulting in 138 arrests and over $6,000 paid out in rewards.

Jerry Goebel State Farm Insurance a proud sponsor of the tip line service since 2018.


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