City council to hold hearing on bond issue
The Webster City City Council will hold a public hearing tonight during its 6 p.m. regular meeting at City Hall about a proposal to enter into a general obligation corporate purpose loan agreement and to borrow $9.5 million for 2020 city construction projects.
The public hearing will start at approximately 6:05 p.m.
The council will also elect a chairperson and vice chairperson to the Webster City Fair Housing Board, and the elected chairperson will appoint the investigating committee.
The city council will vote on a resolution authorizing a purchase agreement between the city and First Congregational Church, with the city purchasing 1104 Willson Ave. for $25,000.
The council will also vote on an approval for an acquisition by the city of 313 Broadway St., which has been deemed abandoned property.
Following the city council meeting will be a work session to discuss utility rates.