
Supervisors set public hearing on loan refunding proposal

Sheriff gives update on radio system

The Hamilton County Supervisors have set a time and place for a public hearing on a proposal to enter into a general obligation refunding loan agreement during its Tuesday morning meeting at the Hamilton County Courthouse.

“What we’re doing here is we have some loans and we’re going to bundle them and put them on the market,” said supervisor Dan Campidilli. “Interest rates have been dropping and we feel that we can get a better interest rate by putting these all together into one package and presenting them on the market.”

The public hearing will occur during the next regular meeting of the supervisors at 9 a.m. on Dec. 10 in the Hamilton County Courthouse.

In other business, the board passed a resolution that authorizes County Engineer Ryan Weidemann to accept farm-to-market, state and federal aid projects. Weidemann said this is a standard form signed when a new county engineer starts working.

The supervisors awarded a contract and approved a change order for a tile improvement project for Drainage District #87-95. The $869,127.80 contract was awarded to Holland Contracting, of Forest City.

The change order was due to a farmer in the drainage district wanting to up-size the tile being used and agreed to pay for the $90,923 cost of the up-size, Campidilli said.

The supervisors also set a public hearing date for the Shashi Station’s RoundHouse and Central Iowa Recovery remodel project. That hearing will be Dec. 19 at 2:15 p.m. in the supervisors’ room in the courthouse.

At the end of the meeting, Hamilton County Sheriff Doug Timmons gave an update on the county’s emergency services radio system, which will be switching from analog to digital soon. Timmons said county staff are being trained on the new radios. The official switch-over from analog to digital will be Dec. 3, he said.

The next Hamilton County Supervisors meeting will be at 9 a.m. on Dec. 10 in the Hamilton County Courthouse.


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