
Lifestyle Briefs

Sewing guild to hold mini classes

Sewing guild to hold mini classes All are invited to Central Iowa Sewing Guild “classroom” for the Saturday, Feb. 17 meeting at Trinity Methodist Church, Huxley, from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants will visit a variety of mini classes stations covering many different aspects of sewing ...

Women’s Club to see antique appraisals Monday

The Webster City Women’s Club will meet at the Jane Young House Monday, Feb. 12 at 1:30 p.m. for Roadshow Antiques with Mike Ryerson of Eagle Grove. The public is also invited to attend and members are encouraged to bring a friend. Those attending may bring an antique, collectible or ...

Students visit Kiwanis

These Webster City Middle School 5th graders — Justin Pelzer, Jackson Cook, Alaina Butrum, Brayden Carle and Sebastian Kirk — were the guests of the Noon Kiwanis on Tuesday, Feb. 6.. They introduced themselves and told about their families , favorite subject in school and favorite Pillar ...

Sewing guild to hold mini classes

All are invited to Central Iowa Sewing Guild “classroom” for the Saturday, Feb. 17 meeting at Trinity Methodist Church, Huxley, from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants will visit a variety of mini classes stations covering many different aspects of sewing techniques. Topics will include welt ...

Student visits Rotary

At the recent Rotary Club meeting, Mo Seamonds (left) presented the program, "The Age of Innovation," based on an article in The Rotarian magazine. The topic focused on realizing that creativity can come at any age. One way to discover one's hidden talents is through Legacy Learning Boone ...

Moms and tots

The monthly Moms & Tots group met at Southfield Wellness Community to make bagel bird feeders with the residents. Meredith Bargfrede holds Macklin Rachu as he tries to give his bird feeder to 104 year old resident Erma Meggers. The tots tried their hand at archery after the bird feeders ...