Fund is set up to help Lauren Jones and family during her cancer treatments

Lauren (Chalfant) Jones is a lifelong Webster City resident who is currently receiving treatment for breast cancer. The 34-year-old wife and mother of two young boys — Tucker, 9, and Levi, 4 — is a nurse, most recently with Van Diest Medical Center, who was in the process of getting her Master’s degree when diagnosed.
Due to the risks of infection during treatment she has been unable to work since the end of October 2024, with months left to go before she will be able to return to work.
A family friend helped open an account at WCF Financial Bank where donations can be made to Lauren Jones to benefit this family in its time of need.
The Jones family would like to extend an overwhelming amount of appreciation to the community for their support.
Lauren Jones is pictured with her family on the second of four chemotherapy treatments she is undergoing. She has two surgeries and weeks of radiation yet to come.