
Market Night is Fiesta Night

Leo Welch, of Webster City, takes a whack at a pinata during the July Fiesta Night Market Night. The pinata was hung in front of La Perla Jarocha.

What’s better than a Fiesta Night in July?

A Fiesta Night in August.

Market Night will come alive in downtown Webster City this evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. centering on that theme.

Vintage Cafe, a local trio, will be on the Availa Bank stage sponsored by Good Life RV. The group plays a wide variety of music that includes country, blues, jazz, classic rock ‘n’ roll, and Latin. But it specializes in big band swing music. “We like to perform Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Tony Bennet, Frank Sinatra.”

In addition to sponsoring the live music, Good Life RV will have a new camper model open for tours in the 700 block of Second Street.

Another new twist tonight will be belly dance lessons offered by Iowa Central Community College. Iowa Central will also host karaoke and crafts.

The family street games hosted by Webster City Church of Christ will return, as will a wide variety of food trucks. Think sustenance after all those belly dance lessons. Here’s the food rundown:

The Emergency Scoop (ice cream)

Lucky Wife Wine Slushies

El Taco Riendo

Hy-Vee Grill

Quick and Fresh Kitchen — Egg rolls, Boba Tea, Sushi & Crab Rangoons

Pliner’s Kettle Korn

Kona Ice

J’Dubs Bangin’ BBQ

Feedshack BBQ

Taqueria El Paraiso

Plus, save some pesos for the new vendors:

Broken Ranch Market — Homegrown, locally-produced vegetables.

Farm Bureau — Greg Littlejohn — Free fresh popcorn.

Mattie’s Sweet Corn — Fresh Iowa sweet corn from Wearda Farms available in front of Neighborhood Realty.

Overgrown LLC — Common, rare and unicorn houseplants.

So put on your (belly) dancing shoes and head downtown.

Afterall, it’s a fiesta!


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